Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Old Houses and Young Ladies, etc.

Took the Jeep into town for an oil change and then went for a walk with my camera. As I passed the pictured house on Church Street, the owner, Darrell, was coming out on his way to Greenwells for some nails. Wished him a good day and complimented him on his renovation work and then he asked me to come on in and take a look. I did - inside is all up in arms with something happening in every room and building and renovation materials all over the place. But already the grandness of the project is evident. He is returning it to a single dwelling rather than a several apartment residence. I think it's neat though must say that he definitely has his hands full. He's not in any hurry, has a pace of his own, and is obviously enjoying the task. Good for him.

Eric came over on this windy and cool day during the morning hours for a bit of breakfast, and , as it turned out, a spell on the floor with his two young nieces. They no doubt thought of him as cool beans (haven't watched enough kids' shows to know what the appropriate slang is for a neat guy).

That cool guy later was instrumental in the putting up of a solid antenna pole out at the golf course. Makes for much better 'air' reception of HD signals.

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