Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday Shot of the Day

Picture: After the rains and nearing close of play this evening.

Tuesday Men to the fore. Ground is still hard and the ball is still running; might see a repeat of last week's low scores. Then again the unsettled weather may get under the skin of the players. Average score for the group was 42.92, down a full stroke from the previous week. What are you going to do?

Update later today. Right now it is in the 60's and the sun is shining. Good golf weather.

Update 10:30pm:

The results are up.

Hole Prizes:

#3: Murray Stuckey

#7: Joe Doyle

#8: Bryant Trambaugh

#9: Tom McAtee

Low Net Scores: Bob Gilley/Dan Gregory (28)

Low Gross Scores: Terry Butcher (33), Weston Muessig (35)

Average Gross Score 43.47
Last 42.92

Average Net Score 34.7
Week 33.92

-two eagles tonight - both on #4 - Tyler Kidwell and Devon Roach - both end up shooting 40's.
-Short Jeffers followed his 32 of last week with a 40 this week, somethinghe hasn't shot in over two years. Said last week's 32 could have been 3 or 4 stokes better with a little nudge of the golf ball.
-Terry Butcher a sterling 33 tonight. Pushed by two young turks - Weston Muessig with a 35 and Trenton Kidwell with a 36. Super shooting in that group. Joe Doyle was the fourth and came in with a pretty good score of his own, a 44.
-Bob Gilley, done with treatments and feeling stronger, shoots a 40 and shares low net with newcomer Dan Gregory who hasn't played in five years. Each shot a net 28.
-Mark Trout subs for the first time and shoots what he thought he would, a twelve over 47, net 35.
-Tom McAtee stuck one close on #9 early this morning and it held up throughout the day and evening.
-rain showers splashed down on the players during play this evening; wiped out play earlier in the afternoon. Good for growing green grass but not so good for low scores.
-average gross for the event climbed to 43.97, an increase of almost .6 from last week.
-Eyler and Lyon tied at the top of the team standings by Weston Muessig and Trenton Kidwell. Allen and Foddrill only one point behind.
-John Foddrill and Charlie Lyon still at the top of the individual standings but several others in striking distance. Watch for changes.
-still no player at zero handicap but that could change next week; several close to reaching that exquisite level.

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