Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday's Stuff

At the golf course where it is partly sunny and in the mid forties. Golfers are out there, trying to catch up with their game which has been put on hold becuase of Inclementina.

This week' Loogootee Tribune fills in the rest of the Butcher NIT story. Larry Hembree does a super job in reporting on the game and even includes a picture of the Tiger team with a very young Jack Butcher. Will post the article, hard copy, on one of our bulletin boards here at the clubhouse. (Larry hasn't got an online version yet, does he?)

More later. Going down to George's place (Dairy Master) for lunch with the Batemans. And Diane.

Update: Ended up at Los Bravos and had a great time catching up with the
Batemans. Some of the topics of discussion: dreams, men in high places (see above), league members. While paying, I mentioned seeing a senora (or senorita) for the first time helping out; was told that was Ruby who they called out and insisted on taking a picture of the two of us - so look for Ruby and me on the wall next time you're in there. I'm the one with the big smile. Stopped at the library on the way back and picked up two of the three Vonnegut books they hold - the other one, Breakfast of Champions, had been checked out earlier. The two: Jailbird and Hocus Pocus, neither of which I have read. As usual, people were having a good time at the library. Ringleader: Mary, capably assisted by Judy.

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