Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday Funnies

Brady Quinn finally gets picked. And is happy that he's going to the Browns, his team from his youth. Brings to my mind Lou Groza and Otto Graham, stars of the original Browns. Looks like he is going to a much better team than JaMarcus.

Luke Donald leads at the Byron Nelson and Lorena Ochoa, after a "monster" Saturday round, is tied for the lead down in Mexico.

Meanwhile, in our Nation's Capital, sex and politics are again converging. A former Eli Lilly chairman now working for the Bush Administration, excuse me, just recently working for the Bush Administration, has admitted to ABC that yes he did use a certain service to provide him with young ladies who gave him a massage. No sex, he insists. He has since resigned, I guess worried that the knowledge of his use of a 'legitimate' local service would get in the way of his continued benefit to the Bush Administration and its 'abstinance is the best safeguard' policy aginst AIDS and other dastardly STD's. He should have endorsed the 'don't ask don't tell' policy of the Pentagon in dealing with people with same sex sexual orientation when confronted by ABC. Oh well, one never knows what's going to pop up next. Apparently thousands of telephone numbers are in the little black book. You think that the phone company is going to get a lot of requests for change in number?

So where are we now on the scandal front? Way too numerous to count? My oh my, how the mighty have fallen. Or will fall. Again. What a mess we are all in. Best stick to football stories and golf tales and weather stuff. (Somewhere I heard that it is best to stay away from discussion of politics, sex and religion if you want to keep the peace. Kind of reminds me of my Mom at our dinner table back in the mid '80's - Diane was there, along with my Dad and Eric and Danielle, both teenagers, maybe a junior and senior in high school. Something came up in our far ranging conversation and the word 'sex' was all of a sudden out there on the table, to which my dear Mom immediately said "shush! children present." Hmmm, okay. Kind of like the Republicans not ever wanting to admit that they have or even like sex. Hey, maybe they don't. Never thought of that possibility but there are asexual people in the world, or even worse, anti sexual zealots. Best stop there just 'cause I need to get back to the golf course.)

Sunny and warm and the goldfinches are feeding and looking very handsome in their fancy yellow outfits. Need I tell you to go golf? It's good for you.

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