Friday, May 22, 2009

New Shed Roofing

Diane helped me put some metal roofing on one of our little sheds in the back yard. Of course, we picked the warmest day of the year to do this little task. Not done yet but just about. Need to go back and get some closures, put on the end caps and then the ridge cap. Not much, as I said, but it will probably exhaust me. The construction labor reminded us of the summer and fall of 1975 when we moved to Martin County, bought 70 acres south of Shoals on the Lost River. We cut down trees, cleared brush, had lumber delivered which we then carried up a hill to our home site. Then we built our house. From scratch, without electricity (made a lot of use of a chainsaw). Remembering all that, I must give a hats off to the wifey and the little kids (ages from 12 down to 7, four of them) for everything they did to help out in making it all happen. From carrying boards and water up the hill to putting up with cold nights in some of the worst winters Indiana has ever had. Tough times. Tough kids. Any of you guys want to do it over again? Oh, and by the way, the metal roofing is a piece of cake compared to what we did way back in '75.
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1 comment:

Diane said...

My dad used to say, "Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back!", but I think it's probably about back-patting time.