Monday, March 10, 2008

News of note:

-firedoglake and bluetexan take 60 minutes and Scott Pelley to task for the 'foot massage' treatment given to John McCain in interview last night. I watched it: pretty soft pedal by Pelley and yes indeedy McCain comes out looking pretty good - solid and well grounded in his wrong headed beliefs. He does mention that he thinks America is a 'right of center' nation and that the guys on the other side (Clinton and Obama) are liberals. Well, yes they are: liberals, progressives, realists, non-imperialistic, egalitarian, believers in the Constitution, non-torturers, anti war, for universal health care...

-Stewart Cink implodes and Sean O'Hair takes the trophy at PODS. That course sure looked unlike a Florida course and more like something you would find here in the Midwest - lots of trees, for instance.

-Kevin Drum tells of the Washington Monthly devoting an entire issue to a single subject: torture. From Kevin's blog:
Most of you reading this hardly need to be convinced on this score. But you almost certainly know people who do need to be convinced — and who need more than just a moral argument. So this is it. The next time somebody asks, tell them the story of Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Tell them the story of not just how torture has tainted America's claim to the moral high ground throughout the world, but how it's actively hurt the war on terror. Tell them.
Okay. Any of you guys need convincing that torture is absolutely wrong? Didn't think so... Don't recall torture coming up at all in the campaigns but expect it has.

Diane just fixed herself some breakfast; expect I should do the same and then head on over to the golf course, or maybe to town... It is 10:40 (9:40 old time, like last Saturday...) after all.

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