Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter and Rachel Getting Married

The Easter bunny showed up a little late this morning but she did leave us some goodies in a colorful little basket. Yesterday was a full day around here with Diane going to Odon for grandson's baseball games and me spending most of the day and well into the evening at the golf course (both playing and covering the clubhouse). And then, once I got home, we watched a movie that all but destroyed Diane though I came away from it liking it - gave it a four on a five point scale. The movie: Rachel Getting Married, and you really should go read a few of the reviews which bounce from the lowly one to the majestic five - a love it or hate it kind of affair. It's all about disfunction, something which was wrenching; but also about family and weddings and music and a big poodle who every now and then would make an appearance but comment only at the very end with a solitary woof. Not an entirely Easter kind of movie though there was a sliver of hope at the end.
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