Picture: Rocking granddaughters, Naomi and Leah.
George Templin is moving up to a new set of Pings and I took over his clubs-with-character, a set of Ping Eye 2's. I came about the desire to get a set of these gems from the past by using an Eye 2 seven iron over the last several months and finding it more accurate than anything in my bag (and I had about a zillion different clubs there ever since my grandson Lucas got my KZG's some time this summer). Doug Denson brought them out this afternoon. And then he and Dave Wininger and I enjoyed a mid December round of golf. Managed a 34 with the new clubs, along with an occasional driver and a putter that did not disappoint. Big thanks to George for the great clubs.
Just finished watching Hearts and Minds, a documentary made in 1974 about the Vietnam War which I read about in Boom! It's graphic and terrible in its depiction of war, and is condemning of the US with its lies and distortions that went into the selling and continuation of the war. Right off the bat, Daniel Ellsberg is telling us that five presidents lied: Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. You remember Ellsberg, he of the Pentagon Papers. The documentary also shows the good old USA as very militaristic with soldiers and soldiering playing a very big part in life here - the back part of the film is filled with shots of people, both very young and not so very young, in uniform and marching, with drummers and horn tooters and baton twirling cheerleaders and flag waving bystanders cheering and having a good old time. America, land of the soldier. Everybody loves a good parade here; of course, the parades around here are mostly peopled with high school bands, fire engines, horses and their riders, beauty queens, and floats from a wide variety of groups. Maybe a small group of veterans, a flag or two.
So it goes. Earth continues on its journey through space.
Question of the day: Would you climb in your car or get on a train or a bus or a ship without some destination in mind? Us Earthlings have no idea where we're headed, except for maybe six foot under the ground. But the bigger picture, please - where in God's heaven is this planet headed? Somebody please call the captain...
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