Daughter Number Two Danielle celebrated her 39th birthday on St. Nick's Day. She passed on this from her oldest, an almost four year old: "Naomi asked me “What number are you?” and when I told her she said “That’s a very big number!” eeek"
Started Tom Brokaw's Boom! Voices of the Sixties last night. So far, so good. He quotes Bill Clinton early on as saying, and this is a generalization from Clinton and a paraphrase from me: if you think something good came out of the '60's then you're probably a Democrat; if bad, then a Republican. Certainly there were very bad things (think assassinations and Vietnam for starters) that happened during that time. Btw, Brokaw is defining the Sixties as starting with November 22, 1963 and ending on August 9, 1974. But overall, I think of the Sixties as a time of liberation and a great leap forward. It is also the years of my early adulthood which means graduation, marriage, service, career start, and the beginning of a family, a pretty momentous period of time for anyone in any decade or century.
Also saw King Kong, a loaner from Colleen, last night. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, especially the first part where all the guys along with the one gal end up on Skull Island doing battle with giant representatives from our distant past - raptors and dinosaurs and creepy crawly things which are nightmarishly hugh and all of whom want to do dastardly things to the humans. Should have ended with the capture of Kong but it didn't.
Heading to the golf course for a walk and maybe some golf - if the wind isn't so terribly chilling...
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Leaving out all the huge creepy crawlies would have been fine with me (ugh & yuk & shiver), and would not have disturbed the core of the story which centers around the selfishness of the movie producer contrasted to the bond created between Kong and the woman. The older version of King Kong was in black and white and ended with the planes shooting Kong off the top of the Empire State Building, demonstrating the consequences of meddling in nature's wonders, so the movie certainly should NOT have ended with the capture of Kong (in my opinion).
Oops... Didn't mean that the story should not be completed. Just that it should be concluded in a sequel.
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