Saturday, January 5, 2008

Notes on a cool, windy Saturday: Innocent in Texas, Tough vs compassion

-This story, via dkos and the NY Times, tells of the release of a wrongfully convicted man who has spent the last 27 years in a jail in Texas. Apparently, many jurisdictions around the country, spurred on by private groups, are looking at past convictions. That's the good news. The not so good news is that we failed to get it right in so many cases. Pretty good argument against capital punishment.

-Along the same vein, in listening to the news last night, I was appalled to hear that Huckabee and Romney were arguing about who was toughest on crime and then giving statistics on who was able to put people away the longest. May I suggest we be right on crime and compassionate to all who are in straightened circumstances, or any other circumstances as well.

-Was out at the golf course for a walk and then I shut it down because of the inclement weather. Maybe more clement weather tomorrow.

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