Thursday, January 10, 2008

The use of first names such as Hillary

Addressing the Professional

Forms of address indicate attitudes about status and/or worth. Children often go by first names while calling adults by surname and title. Whenever males are referred to by title, use the appropriate title for female professionals (Ms., Dr., Professor), rather than their first names.

Eric was over this morning and strongly disagreed with my contention (in a previous post) that the use of a first name, like Hillary, was denigrating when others were given their more formal titles, for instance Mr. Obama. He cited the one name-first name stars of our current culture: Michael (Jordan), Tiger, Magic. Good point but that refers to sports figures where such usage is common and definitely a mark of distinction. Diane raises the question of using Hillary along with the last names of her fellow contenders, Edwards and Obama. I would think that the above reference would then apply.

This is short and leaves much to be said but I really want to get over to the golf course and do some walking before the rains come. Got something to add? Feel free...

Update: more from a fellow blogger:

–MSNBC’s bizarre insistence on calling Senator Clinton by her first name. This may well be happening on the other 24-hour news channels, too, but the repeated use of “Hillary” to describe a major presidential candidate while still calling the candidates with dangly genitalia by their last names is dismissive, infantilizing, and insulting, and it just plain needs to stop. The woman has a last name–in fact, she has two. Pick one and use it, but stop calling her by her first name unless you intend to start talking about how Mike and Mitt are duking it out. Studies have shown that the tendency to refer to female athletes by their first names while persisting in using surnames for male athletes reinforces the privilege accorded to the “dominant” group–it’s hard not to think of that being an even more appalling state when dealing with reporting on American democracy. At least Keith Olbermann had the grace to notice this discrepancy on a graphic in his own show and seem upset by it.

Hmmm. The blogger updates her piece with this note:

I have been paying such close attention to election season that I just now noticed that Clinton is perpetuating the “Hillary” thing by using her first name on all her campaign materials. Boo.

Hmmm squared.

The rains came before I made it away from the computer. Boo.

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