Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Final Days, Thursday Games, The War

As I have finished A Thousand Splendid Suns, I am now ready for another good book. Looked through Diane's collection and nothing jumped up and grabbed me by the collar and said: "Read me!" So I went to the bookshelves that contain some of the books we have had for decades. What did jump out at me was Woodward and Bernstein's The Final Days, a 1976 book that I had purchased and read in February of 1977. You remember, it covers the final days of the Nixon presidency, something Woodward and Bernstein were instrumental in bringing about with their investigative reporting of the bungled Watergate caper and resultant cover up that exposed how devious and downright illegal Nixon and his henchmen were in their many shenanigans as they tried to govern. I was intrigued by it all back then and now, with the Bush presidency beginning its final days, I just might find it informative and illustrative to revisit those momentous times again. And, after the first dozen pages or so, it has not failed - I'm still intrigued and it sure does paint Nixon as a psycho case, at least early on. Should be fun...

Looks like the rain has stopped. Got two inches in our neck of the woods.

Reminder: Tomorrow morning: 9am - 9 hole skin match using existing handicaps with the following restrictions: no strokes on par threes, no carry over of those strokes, maximum handicap per hole: two strokes.

BTW, Ken Burns new documentary on WWII, The War, is excellent. Been on PBS these last three nights.

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