Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Moving Back East and the Power of Reading

Picture: The Kids: Number Two Son, Number One Son, Number One Daughter, Number Two Daughter (Eric, Marty, Michele, Danielle).

Number One Son Marty was given a heads up on this September 2nd Roger Moon Times Mail article by one of his classmates at Shoals. Has to do with a classmate of Second Daughter Danielle, Chadd Taylor, who has found a good measure of success since his days as a student in Shoals and shares some of the things that he took from his upbringing in that very small town here in southern Indiana. Moon writes:

Chadd told me about the family that moved to Shoals from San Francisco when he was in first grade. I’m sure it was a long way from San Francisco to Bo-Mac’s for this family of six who, Chadd said, “left the ‘established’ life to rough it a bit in the woods of Martin County.” They lived in a one-room cabin. “I stayed over at their house once,” Chadd wrote. “What impacted me for the rest of my life was that the cabin had no television, but instead books everywhere, and the kids were all avid readers. It impacted me significantly that reading for both knowledge and enjoyment was so highly valued to that family, and so obviously valued beyond material things.

Hmmm, I think I recognize that family. Do you?

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