The above picture: Golfing goddesses - Wilma Bateman and Diane Bird
Eric and his boys are out mowing the tee boxes and the collars, the boys racing ahead of Eric to clear the blocks off of the tee boxes, and then put them back. Such exuberance and energy on the part of the young. It is wet out there - though we only got a little over an inch of rain earlier this week, it's all hung around on the ground. Carts are allowed off of the paths but with caution and awareness.
Finished Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men. Kind of depressing when all is said and done, life being something that kind of drifts along without one being able to do much about it. The world going to pot and other mind altering chemicals, not for the better and much for the worse. Not for old men, as Cormac says, who grew up in a supposed "better" time. McCarthy writes extremely well and I enjoy his writing immensely. But on the world going to pot, or to hell in a hand basket, I disagree though my own time on this planet, and even more so my dad's, has been full of man killing man and very little respect for life (certainly the 20th century has to be the bloodiest century of all - which reminds me of the time not so long ago when I raised a few hogs: one of the things I learned when you are trying to raise hogs in a confined space is that you cut their eye teeth and their tails shortly after they are born, or else they will be getting at each other in a serious way when they get older and bigger and space becomes a little more precious, and the vittles as well. Makes you wonder if maybe this planet is getting a bit too crowded for us humans; let me see, what is it we could do to help people get along a little better - wouldn't be wanting to cut off either their tails or eye teeth; hmmm, I have an idea for the men folk. Ah, just remembered the Bonobos and the Chimpanzees - PBS did the explaining several weeks ago on the vastly different approach these two close relatives of ours take in getting on in life, the Bonobos being the peace makers (sex for them is the normal greeting, similar to our handshake...) while the Chimps are the trouble makers. One society is a matriarchy while the other is a patriarchy. Bet you can guess which is which, can't you? Does that suggest anything else to you? Like, for instance, maybe we need our women to be more of a factor in our life? Men folk need to go play more golf; women folk need to be more dominant in the areas that matter, like government, business and education. What do you think?).
Now where was I... Oh, on disagreeing with Cormac on the world going to pot. I realize my perspective is skewed because of the company I keep, that being mostly golfers, who are out looking for a few hours of company and competition. Good company to keep, in my estimation. Best leave it there, at least for the moment.
Tulips are up and being all pretty out at our place. And the dandy lions (smile) came out during the night, filling our expanse of grass with dots of yellow gold. Red Buds blossomed just like they were supposed to, about the 1st of April; Dogwoods won't be far behind. Lots of things right with this world of ours.
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