Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Shananigans


Wolfowitz calls it quits; beats Gonzales to the punch. Go check out the picture of Mr. Wolfowitz at the link: good impression of my idea of a frump.

(That's enough politics for this early in the morning; my head is a little numb from riding around on the big mower for two hours - that time on the mower is my listen-to-the radio time - learned that Greg Potts turns 52 today - happy birthday, Greg - who, btw, was not very happy with his USG game yesterday and told me why - I'm sworn to secrecy though, he doesn't want anybody to know of the dastardly thing he ran into out there, not once but four times.)

Community Leaguers coming out and getting in their rounds. Morris Cornelius and his son Mark out there now.

More later.

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