Saturday, December 27, 2008

Big city...

In Bloomington for awhile, catsitting for Miki. Already been for one walk into town - which is just down the road a piece, and expect I'll get another one in before the day is out. Using Miki's laptop, something I'll have to get used to. Don't expect it will take me all that much time. Hmmm, Blogger is having a little hissy fit; won't let me upload a photo, isn't saving my work. This is not good. Arg. Saving now but it won't let me add a photo. Dang. Maybe later.

Update: Got the photo that I tried to upload published here at my Picture Social blog.

1 comment:

Diane said...

That picture on the Picture Social blog is incredible. When I first saw the music, I thought something was wrong with the way my computer was bringing up the picture.