-are you aware of gender based button (and zipper) placement? Diane brought out a fleece vest for me to try on yesterday - I was just a little chilly - and right off I noticed that the zipper was on the wrong side. Diane said it's always been that way. I may have known that from way back but didn't remember or, in fact, never did know. Being curious, I had to find out why there is this right side-left side arrangement of buttons and zippers. And I did by going to google. Curious? Go here for the google solution to this particular quandry. Btw, the vest did not fit; think I found a cardigan sweater to put on; or maybe I put on a jacket and went for a walk - that usually warms me up.
-watched Oswald's Ghost on PBS' American Experience last night. More on the JFK assassination but still the same conclusion - Lee Harvey did do it all by himself. Did you know that 70% of Americans today still believe that it was a conspiracy? The program may have, just may have, convinced me of the truth to the lone assassin theory by getting into Oswald's head and making a case for why he did it, his state of mind, and then the opportunity to do it with the motorcade passing just below his place of work. The pieces of the puzzle fit this time for me.
-finished another Stephanie Plum novel - Hot Six. This New Jersey bounty hunter is still a lot of fun to take to the back room for a middle of the day nap. Many laugh out loud moments in these books so if you haven't tried a Janet Evanovich creation, pick one up, treat yourself.
-photos from around the world: 'rail birds' in Manila, wood and glass in Toronto, waiting for the light to change in Tokyo, bird's eye view of a junction in Hanoi, and an 'under the street' scene in New York.
-sun's up, skies are clear, temperature at 24 degrees when I got up at daybreak this morning. Gonna be a lovely day.
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