Friday, November 14, 2008

Notes on a Friday morning

-I'm warming to the idea of Hillary as Secretary of State. Of course she would be excellent, and brilliant, too.
-the goldfinches are back, in spades, though they aren't early feeders here on the hill. Have seen two so far this morning; a little later there will be dozens contending for the limited seating/hanging/perching at the feeding stations.
-am between books - got one ordered at the library and an Evanovich and a Jance started. Looking for something with a little heft. Got a suggestion?
-like a lot of other folk, am wondering what the heck the Secretary of Treasure is doing with all that money he was given to end the financial crisis. And what the heck is going on with all these corporations lining up at the Federal Treasury for a handout? And why isn't there more kicking and screaming for jobs, jobs and more jobs, when that would be a common sense solution to our economic downturn of major proportions?
-it's Skywatch Friday but for now the local sky is a slate gray. Will wait some for a more appealing photo opportunity to share with this worldwide community.
-got a dinner date tonight with Diane and Jim and Wilma. Heading west. Gonna try the little restaurant out at Dogwood Lake that the Byrons like so much.
-girls and boys high school basketball is starting up. Support the youngsters in your community and get out and about at the same time.
-watched a halfway decent spy thriller last night, from Netflix. Breach, based on the true story of a real bad guy who gave stuff to guys on the other side of the world - Eric Hanssen, now safely incarcerated for a long time. The movie made much of his very orthodox practice of his Catholic faith, rosaries and mass in Latin, for example, and little of his penchant for pornography.
-time to get away from the monitor for a bit - go do some walking and stretching, weigh lifting and sit upping (?). And then maybe some breakfast - gonna try some chewey stuff, adding raisings and apple slices to a bowl of oatmeal. Just got to keep it all away from the left side of my mouth which is still healing from yesterday's little visit at the 'tooth extraction' store.

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