Sunday, January 11, 2009

The boys on a Saturday morning

Spent some time with the boys yesterday with Eric going up to Indy for a workshop and Colleen off to work. Computers and television still hold some fascination for them; quite a bit actually. Later on in the day we traveled down to Oma's house, stopping off at the golf course to put up the flagsticks and rakes (snow and cold expected directly). Temperatures dropped and winds picked up on the waysouth (Ian pointed out that that's not supposed to happen) and we were treated to some bone chilling weather as we made our way around the golf course doing an advanced version of pick-up-sticks. But Oma had a warm house and some just-out-of-the-oven French pastry cookies waiting - the two dozen or so cookies didn't make it through the day with Eric and the boys and me all re-certifying ourselves as bonifide cookie monsters (yummy good sweet stuff).
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