Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hembrees Plus Wininger and Holt Win on Cards

This morning's Manager's Scramble was about as close as one could get with three of the four teams posting 29's and the fourth coming in just one off the pace. Diane Bird drew the card that broke the tie and gave the win to the Hembree dominated team, that would be the Dave Wininger, Larry Hembree, son Jackson Hembree and Tom Holt team.

The results:

1. Dave Wininger, Larry Hembree, Jackson Hembree, Tom Holt (-6)
2. Mike Bird, Trenton Kidwell, Norman Graber, Karry Stoll (-6)
2. Wayne Souerdike, Jon Boyd, Lee Wininger, Joe Allen (-6)
4. Mike Kidwell, Mike Lengacher, Emanuel Wagler, Kevin Byron (-5)

Sharpshooters: Norman Graber, Wayne Souerdike, Wayne Souerdile, Jon Boyd

Players: Mike Lengacher, Emanuel Wagler, Larry Hembree, Norman Graber, Mike Bird
Skins: Mike Bird (#3, #5, #7); Emanuel Wagler (#6); Larry Hembree (#8)

In Johnny Quarter play, Mike Bird (that would be me...) raced out to a 8-2 lead through eight holes and then let Larry Hembree tie it all on the ninth where Larry put his ball on the green and managed to get a par, both of which bested the old guy in the pairing.

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