Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday: Senior Games, Debt and War, etc.

Thursday Senior Game:

The weather is so lovely, and is expected to remain so, that Thursday should again be devoted to a game or two out at the golf course. Thursday Senior Game: 10 am tomorrow, 9 holes and open. Bring a friend... And for those interested, an additional nine holes of good, clean fun.

Notes to start a Thursday:

-NBA season started last night. Kinda sneaked up on me. Are the Pacers competitive?
-Larry Hembree's article from last week is all about economics and more specifically about our growing debt. He uses the $9 trillion figure - current debt. And that for the most part does not include the expected $2 trillion cost of the Iraq War. Did somebody just say 'that unnecessary war'? Hey, when one of the people that works for you is found to be irresponsible in his or her spending, you take away that person's buying privileges, you cancel the credit card and take away the check book. What's so hard about that? Way past time for us employers to have a talk with our errant employees.

Time to get off online, do a little more reading (the Manchester recollections/memoir), explore some more with the new camera, and then head to the golf course. Sun's rising nicely.

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