Picture: Long time golfers Herb and Loretta Roach at #6 green.
On the Butcher-Gee Scramble
Kent Summers was out for some more golf and gave me some of the skinny on the Butcher-Gee Scramble. Like, Jack Butcher's team at 19 under took the trophy; like Kent's team score of 15 under didn't amount to a hill of beans even though they thought it was a pretty good score (other team members included James Hager, Paul Hart and, hmmm, don't remember at the moment the fourth player... me bad). So who was the ringer on Jack's team?
On the Cubbies
They win a ho hummer against the Reds, 8-1.
On the AG
Via dKos, NYT in tomorrow's edition suggesting Gonzales be impeached if the Senate requested special prosecutor is not appointed. Ok, I'm for that. In fact, why wait; lets just go ahead and get the dirty deed over and done with; let the man live in peace somewhere.
So it goes and that is enough for this day.
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