Darn it all. My laptop won't start. Have been having trouble with it for several weeks now, hard starting, and did have it started for a bit this morning before I went to the clubhouse. And now it's being super cranky. Darn thing. So am on Diane's and with her being out in Boise that is not a problem for the moment.
Played in the Community League for the first time - as Opa (that stands for 'old pa' for those of you who wondered, as opposed to young pa, that being the father, Eric). Lucas and I went out and intentionally did not shoot the lights out on the course cause we knew others might be wanting to play during the rest of the day. Lucas came in with a not so sterling 61 though he hit the ball well on many an occasion; got sloppy (sorry, Lucas, gotta call it as I saw it) with his putting. Expect him to be an excellent golfer in short order - has a very nice swing. Opa did okay for himself, getting a bunch of pars, a few birdies and only stumbling on the last hole with an errant chip that resulted in a two putt and a bogey on the hole. Darn the luck.
Ginny and Mark Cornelius were also out there getting in their Community League round. Eric remembers Ginny from The Insurance Shop in Odon which has been a supporter of Odon Little Leaguers, and that would include Lucas and Ian and a host of other youngsters in the community just north of us.
Tomorrow the Saturday Scramble starts at its usual time, 8am. I'll get everybody started and then hightail it to Brownsburg and the American Legion State Golf Tournament, a two day event with golf at two different courses. I play Quail Creek tomorrow and West Chase on Sunday; expect the other Post 120 players to be doing the same.
Had a little trouble with my license plate renewal this year. Expected to get my GO GOLF plate again but instead received a number plate with a note saying they had not received my renewal for the special plate last October. Hmmm, that's unusual; been doing this for the last several years, maybe nine or ten. But that wasn't the only problem. The plate and the note did not come with a registration or an '08 tag which I failed to notice till John Fisher wondered where my GO GOLF plate had gone and how come it was an '04 license plate. Double hmmmmm. Here I am going out of town with an '04 license plate that is sure to be noticed by more than one passing motorist over the weekend, and probably one wearing a uniform. Jeesh. Guess I had better take care of that little problem, I said to myself. Which I did down at the Loogootee BMV office (which I thought had been closed; expected to be going to Washington). Took no time at all to get a duplicate registration and the appropriate tags. And I did prepay for the '08 GO GOLF plate. Me legal now.
On Politics
Did notice that a new poll is out, from Newsweek, showing the president with 26% approval. Hmmm, any idea why this man has the non support of 76% of the people? Wonder what Hoosiers think of him? I know a few who will support him till the day he leaves office. Then again I know a few more pretty strong Republicans who are sick and tired of the whole mess back there in Washington. Well, welcome to the sick-of-the-mess-in washington party, that would be the SOTMIW (pronounced sought meow) party. It's been around for years. You knew that, didn't you?
Do have a follow up on Dave Strange's talking yesterday about the dummies in DC, all those people back there who know so little. He was asked if part of the problem might be that Loogootee was hogging all the know-it-alls. Dave kinda admitted that we did have our share of those. And no one in our little golfing party exempted ourselves from status in that elite group, at least part of the time.
Haven't checked the sports page; haven't been listening to the radio; not home in time to catch the evening news. What's going on out there? What good stuff am I missing? Maybe more later. Go Golf, all you fanatics; it's good for you.