Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday's Other Stuff

Results were slow getting posted because I went out and played another nine holes with Jack Butcher and the Hudson Brothers.

Here's a link (what strong wrists will do for you) for an exercise that will strengthen your wrists. The author comments on how it has helped juniors with their distance; expect it might help seniors as well. Also supposed to help control.

Under War is still stupid:

Watched a Netflix dvd last night Two Days in October. A recent PBS special that combined a disaster of a couple of days in Vietnam with a disaster of a day on a Wisconsin campus where police clubbed students doing a protest against Dow (makers of napalm used in Vietnam to burn people and things horribly). One of the Viet Cong wonders why the United States invaded his country - did they think we were rich?

That was followed by another PBS program - real time, Wednesday evening fare - about the Iraqi war and the current surge. I was struck by the similarities of the pictures from the two different programs and mused to myself if one turns down the audio and just watches, it all could be one continuous war. People in uniform, gunships in the sky, troops running pell mell, dead both military and civilian all over the place. Blood and gore and violence to our fellow men. War is so stupid. In fact, it is more than stupid. I still haven't found Dante's ring of hell for these government leaders. I did think maybe the best thing would be to let them live a long long time with a variety of aches and pains that would make their days and nights a living hell, kinda like the living hell they are subjecting so many innocents to with the killing and the maiming that is going on daily in parts of the world. War is more than stupid - bears repeating.

So it goes.

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