Monday, August 13, 2007

Circa 1917

Picture: Diane's Aunt Helen, her mother Violet and grandmother Anna circa 1917, the year before the great influenza epidemic that killed an estimated 50 million people.

After going to the Magnuson Reunion in Colorado in late June, number one son Marty constructed a site where Magnuson descendants could continue to share their stories and memories of the Magnuson Family.

Number one son: remember Charlie Chan? Wonder if Marty does? Anyway, that is where that descriptor comes from. Guess that would be from watching several of the Chan movies back in the late '40's when I was less than ten years old and living in Glen Cove, NY. Of course, maybe many of the movies migrated to television in the '50's. That's probably more likely - and that would have made me a teenager in South Bend going to all the Notre Dame home games and being part of the first four year class of a new Catholic high school in South Bend - St. Joseph's.

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