Monday, August 13, 2007

More Getting Started on a Monday Morning


-More on Rove - conjecture from Firedoglake - it's the investigations that are coming to a head, anyone of three, maybe more than just one. And yes the attorney thingee is one of them; Abramoff is a second; the third is the most general of the three and has to do with the politicization of everything in the federal government. Truth will out, as they say, and yes it is important that we know the truth, to expose the rot neath the surface so to speak, so that we can rebuild and renovate the structures that have been damaged by design and inattention over the past several years. And yes Congress shares some of the blame for its failure to perform the very necessary job of oversight. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Golf Course

-Art and Wanda Haag just back from Washington DC where Art said he conferred with the man in the WH. But the more important news was the price of a room: $200 a night at the Hamptons (!) and then up and up for the more ritzy motels, like the Holiday Inn. If you're planning a trip to DC, you might want to find two or three or a dozen others who can split the motel expense with you. Take turns using the room. Shift people would know how to work that all out.

-Gary LaMar, Virgil Harper, Don Lannan and Charlie Sheetz were out early trying to shoot the lights out. They did a pretty good job with the dimmer switch: 40, 42, 43, 43. Don reported that he came within two strokes of shooting his age while playing with his sons up in Wisconsin.

-Grandson Lucas was out there helping Eric with the mowing; doesn't start school till tomorrow. Loogootee and Shoals students getting a head start...

-Diane and Shirley smacking their balls around the course. Update: Diane just walked in, says the humidity is horrendous. Dripping from her chin, nose, earlobes, ala Tiger Woods in Tulsa yesterday.

-Sheryl's last day, heads off to Vincennes and her first year of college. Cake at noon today. We will miss this young lady.

-Breakfast time. There's lots more good stuff out there. What's tickling your fancy?

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